KMR Line of Attack for VAT

Companies with a complex Enterprise Systems:

For such companies we recommend that they keep on maintaining books on there own Accounting Systems and send us the required reports at the end of the month so we can update them on one of the cloud based softwares from the previous slides until the Enterprise System is made fully compatitible with the VAT 

After bringing the software up to date, we will send you a detailed Management report comparing the businesses performance to last year for the same period, depending on your requirement monthly or quarterly.

For Companies with a separate Software for there Book-keeping needs or a relatively simpler Enterprise system:

In the case of such companies we recommend that they update there subscription to one of the online platforms which were mentioned earlier, they are very user friendly and are already VAT compatible. 

These softwares will not only assist the client account for the VAT accurately but will also provide a real time picture of the business at any stage in reports are which are easy o comprehend. These reports can be monthly, quarterly or yearly as preferred by the client.

One of these software Is Xero.